Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Publishing is a Dream come true!

It has been a long road for me. Believe in yourself and those dreams come true.

With God all things are possible. He never gave up on me when I gave up on myself. He is the master potter we are nothing but the clay. We give him our worries dough and fears and he washes it all away. Joy always comes in the morning. I wrote this book WaitStress from my heart I am not a cold callous person just a broken one. I researched and discovered behavior is learned. Take responsibility and accountability for your actions. It is a choice to be mean to your Server and people exercise that right everyday. Pathetic and sad but true. It is difficult not to be moved by emotions by other's it is a choice we face. By choosing not to react to bad behavior you will have peace. I have peace.

Yours Truly
