Monday, December 6, 2010

I am a published Author

Wow it has been a long long road woah Three years to be exact. I finally wrote and edited and published my own book. I became an Author of the book titled WaitStress yay! As I pat myself on the back. It was hard work with no support at times from people but I did learn from it. I now know who to share my dreams to and who not to. Never share you dreams to everyone. Make that note to yourself. Some people are just miserable in life and they do not want to see your dreams come true and could care less about you being happy. Do it for yourself! You don't need any ones permission in life to succeed and let the haters hate. I say go for it whatever it is you want to accomplish and set those goals and don't ever quit! Stick-to-it-ive-ness ! My favorite word and definition. Feels so good back to blogging again.

The only way she has published so many books is through stick-to-it-ive-ness

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dubai Chill House Grooves

Publishing is a Dream come true!

It has been a long road for me. Believe in yourself and those dreams come true.

With God all things are possible. He never gave up on me when I gave up on myself. He is the master potter we are nothing but the clay. We give him our worries dough and fears and he washes it all away. Joy always comes in the morning. I wrote this book WaitStress from my heart I am not a cold callous person just a broken one. I researched and discovered behavior is learned. Take responsibility and accountability for your actions. It is a choice to be mean to your Server and people exercise that right everyday. Pathetic and sad but true. It is difficult not to be moved by emotions by other's it is a choice we face. By choosing not to react to bad behavior you will have peace. I have peace.

Yours Truly


Monday, June 14, 2010


Welcome to my blog =D
Well wait STRESSED out people I indeed am publishing
it is official I signed my life away today and it wasn't
easy when you have no support and have had people laugh
at you but I over came obstacles an wrote a book on what it it is to serve the public ! It was hell writing for four years and everything that has happened to me in this business.
The public will be aware of what it is to serve as I take you threw every kitchen I have ever worked it.
No holds bar either it is raw I tell it like I see it coming to a bookstore near you. LOL
Keep emailing me keep commenting =D
I read them all
Yours Truly

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Red White& Theme park blues

This time of year for Barque's time to spend quality time and celebrate our freedom
with food. Grilling out is huge I'm not so certain it is healthy but none the less it brings people together time well spent good times.

Cooking over wood in Restaurant's is a long over due method it is not recent
discovery. I recall working in a fine dining establishment that is all we used is wood. There were no freezer's either. Cooking over wood is all about temps and getting it right for the guest's.

Most people that dine out do not research the restaurant there dining in.
There just hungry. Money doesn't buy you manners either.

This Restaurant was know for celebs to pop in all the time and any given time
so we really were a well known Establishment. My thoughts on working there was what makes this place so great? It was the food not the people in my view.
The people I worked with were rude as hell. The Chef's were arrogant as hell.
This company never hired from outside in always promoted within. This new Chef
to me was not so great his food was regular with expensive spices *yawn* big deal
and you want me to sell it LOL yea yea shure

The bartenders were stressed to the max and rude. I was nothing but a number working here. No camaraderie at all. I've never seen anything like it before in my life.
Well why would we be there to make friends anyway it was a theme park and server crews changed every night. Servers float all over restaurant's within the range of several parks so they were old and bitter in my view just buying time most of them had over twenty years with the company. I am a person with feelings and integrity at a job it is hard for me to adapt to being cold and callous with no thought process and just a number in a factory. So my point is the very theme of this restaurant is not what it really was behind the scene's at all. LOL I was sadly mistaken.

You got to FAKE it to MAKE it. That in itself is a talent people possess.
Working with people who don't feel good to be alive is not what I wanna be around. I knew my time was brief here LOL

I resigned and the manager actually gave me a hard time as if I could not find a happier place to work I'm on the phone thinking THIS DUDE IS A GOOF! I believe
his words were to me "I am abandoning my job" LOL talk about yer guilt trip
those Jedi mind games may work on some but I am adult with my own set of rules.
I almost started LAUGHING at that point of the conversation. I am putting in my notice RETARD which is informing you. Flash cards would have been more appropriate LOL

Who does this??? Obviously he saw good quality's in me I am thankful but seriously I have too work in a place where the environment is somewhat healthy and FUN!!!
Waiting tables should BE FUN! I don't get PAID enough manager DUDE to turn
your bitter crew around but good luck with all that you got going on LOL

Your Truly


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Greeting Wait people's

Have you watched Food Inc yet? Rent it! Buy it! It is much needed important
information that need to get out to the public. I don't want to talk about to much detail of the
movie I don't wanna wreck it for one's who have not seen it yet.

If you think that our food is safe and the animals we eat are treated
properly and with respect yer wrong, for those of you that think farmers are safe and not bullied and there farms and animals and big corporations haven't taken over wrong again
ugg I did not know the level or degree the power these corporations have.
I eat meat but I can honestly say I am rethinking my choices.
This movie is a real eye opener. Watch and come back and comment =D

Your Truly


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

KT Tunstall - Suddenly I See (Larger Than Life Version)