Monday, December 6, 2010

I am a published Author

Wow it has been a long long road woah Three years to be exact. I finally wrote and edited and published my own book. I became an Author of the book titled WaitStress yay! As I pat myself on the back. It was hard work with no support at times from people but I did learn from it. I now know who to share my dreams to and who not to. Never share you dreams to everyone. Make that note to yourself. Some people are just miserable in life and they do not want to see your dreams come true and could care less about you being happy. Do it for yourself! You don't need any ones permission in life to succeed and let the haters hate. I say go for it whatever it is you want to accomplish and set those goals and don't ever quit! Stick-to-it-ive-ness ! My favorite word and definition. Feels so good back to blogging again.

The only way she has published so many books is through stick-to-it-ive-ness