Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Bartenders Joke that back fired aw poor baby

Have you ever had a bartender rub you the wrong way like sand paper a total freak from the bar scene in the first Star Wars movie and now your nightmare came true and it is what you saw it's deja vu and now you have to work with this creature. I have and this is how it went down.

hmm yeeeah so I took a job and go into work I was hired originally to train and learn the ropes at one of there very first Restaurants and learn the system. The owners were ready to expand and open more locations so my time was brief, so that meant for me straight up play time after all I was not staying here just putting my time in. Learning the menu was read and recite to me and a new computer was pushing idiot buttons for me nothing to difficult, messing with the regulars guests I was the new girl.

As I have said in other blogs I am a person that has fun at work when I wait tables so this was a new play ground for me. I met everyone all the server clicks and the cooks there bark is always worse than there bite ring in what you need modify always and take it out in a timely manor and their cool.

I met the bartenders and this one happened to be a complete freak right out of Halloween.
He always went out of his way to say very off colored things to me shock and aw. In a very loud tone so he could be heard by everyone told everyone I couldn't keep my hands to myself I was after him. ahuh sure
I let it all go He did anything to get my attention and that still did not work so then he got straight up nasty. He took his sweet time making my drinks he liked to make me stand there or he never got my tickets at all I new they were crumpled up and in the garbage or in his pockets umm this is not my first day in a Restaurant wow! you are so clever
my guests are parched and looking around for me! errrrrr my money!

I remained calm heh heh thinking you really don't know me and the power of this blond head of hair, I'm not the bimbo you saw in a magazine as if we are all cookie cutter paper dolls, umm you got the wrong girl old man I will drop kick you so fast you wont know what hit you with my one liners. A bit of a bio for you...........
Star Wars freak..... One of my very first Jobs in Hotels was a cocktail server I know the drill I can balance a Martini lay a cocktail straw across the with of the glass and walk do the math it works you'll never spill I have seen a bar before and from the looks of yours it was not all that sophisticated. *yawn*

So a week had passed and it was time to take the trash out and slam dunk this guy. All his slimy jabba the hut comments that he was enjoying he got away with in front of the whole restaurant and now I was up to bat I've always liked baseball I hope this bartender wore a cup because he's about to go down for the count IT IS SO ON!

It was Friday night we were starting to fill up a nice full bar people were coming in. I ordered a Heineken Beer bottle I walk to go pick it up at the end of the bar the service area he slowly takes the top of like were in slow motion or something puts it on the bar with a grimace face right out of the movie The Shining he looked just like Jack Nickolson I new he was up to something right then and there he turns around and looks at everyone at the bar which are all men and a few women turns back to me he says "DO YOU WANT A CHERRY IN YOUR HINNIE"? The whole bar was laughing and looking at me and some were looking down some of them had expressions on there face like oh no he went to far.
I stood there
I looked at him I look at everyone at the bar laughing I reach for my bottle and I say
I closed my fist raised it and said with a loud voice OOOOOOOOHH I KNOW THAT'S GOTTA HURT?? did my victory pump dance LMAO I heard someone say eeeooouch

Everyone heard it the whole bar erupted with loud intense roaring laughter for about twenty minutes everyone just lost it and fell about the place he was the only one not laughing his face was angry and that made the customers laugh even harder and now the tables were turned they had flip the script and began to tease him about the whole bar following him into the bathroom
and play show and tell, by that time people were literary crying with laughter saying stop it !stop it! stop it! I had long walked off so I never heard the jokes that followed some younger bubbly servers found me in my quite place alone outside and were spilling there guts telling me what was said they were laughing so hard they couldn't even get it out to tell me it was cute like two little chipmunks. I am glad I could help put an end to his remarks servers had taken his crap for wayyyy to long. The m.o.d never said a word he was happy his quests were spending money and having a good time.

I have no regrets. A woman has to do what a woman has to do. He hated me after this and it made me laugh long and hard every time I saw him. I still laugh to this day lol I'm laughing as I type this. hahahahahah
The battle is not over I had two more days in this place.
To be continued...............

Yours truly