Sunday, July 12, 2009

Loose lips sink ships you never know who your SERVER is!

The Restaurant opened and my first round of tables went something like this. My third booth seems to always be a problem table when I have this section. Two older Lady's were seated I greeted them they were condescending from the beginning and they could not make up there minds for a drink order I was told I don't know my alcohol drinks and I wouldn't know what a Rusty Nail is nor could I make one as I was sized up and down and judged for my age and looks and hair.
GOTTA LOVE THOSE CHARACTER ASSASSINATIONS! The first five minutes of meeting two complete strangers!

I let them know I would be back and give them more time and left them with water and lemons.
I went in the waitress station thinking out loud to my co-workers who have known me for years. I expressed that these two Lady's were going to be difficult to please they HATE me already and no matter what I do they wont appreciate it. Why me?

I went back to the table endured their glares. The conversation was horrible for women their age and how they were speaking to me first of all I am no ROOKIE I have been in the business for awhile. They told me they were in the business too and the one still did waitress. I though so what's yer point your old and bitter? insecure ?what?

They proceed to tell me a new owner took over and wrecked the place she had worked for so she quit and was a cashier. The other one told me she waitressed for such and such company told me the owner owns both places.
I asked what the owners name was? Thinking to myself I know a lot of people in the area even thought the state is big I have many friends that serve all over. They told me his name and began to tare him apart as I watched these two ungrateful old BITTER LADY'S go on and on and on about him and why she quit as a cashier and why the other still waitressed for him at another one of his Restaurants.

I excused myself from the table went and got my cell phone came out from the wait station with everyone watching me risking a write up and time off the schedule for being on a cell phone. I walked up to my table calling my HUSBAND oh hi babe how are you ?

I said who is the Store manager at such and such location I looked at them both with DISGUST
my husband told me her name. I said is your Store managers name !@#$
she said YES IT IS! she died right there dropped her fork, the other one was speechless!

They slid down in the booth both of them and there faces were red as tomatoes.
I said lady's that owner happens to be my husbands boss for over ten years. He owns several Restaurants in the area and my husband manages the same one you work for but a different location and I told her my husbands name and the location.

BTW I am aware of what a Rusty nail is , a Tom Collins, a Mai Tai , and a Grasshopper those are very OLD outdated drinks! and I could make them with my eyes closed!
Don't ever understimate the power of a Blonde we hold more cards than you think we do!

My whole section heard me and a few clapped I heard a few DATTA GIRL!
They were happy I put and end to there madness of INSULTING ME for two hours straight and taking me away from my other tables where people LOVED me and want my service.
I am a DAM GOOD SERVER!!! I know my job and DO IT WELL!

My advice to old bitter lady's dinning out close your mouth you never know who is taking care of you! AND your lame barrages of I'm sorry were really pathetic and your tip was less to be desired I deserved more. I had to take your insults and neglect my other tables!!!
You knew what you were doing and enjoyed your game up until you got caught in a web of lies.

When I got home from that HARD DAYS NIGHT! My husband was the man of my dreams and we laughed into the morning at people dinning out with NO CLASS!

I have a follow up to this I will add at a later time yes there is more...

What nerve just because you are old does not give you the right to be rude!

Yours truly
