Saturday, July 18, 2009

Why my blog title is The Waitress from Hell

This is just one of my chapters I am working on for my book.

I would like to describe one of my many gahzillion nights in Hospitality this one in particular
had a different twist throw the dice and where ever they land is a crap shoot as far as my fate was concerned and if I had a job in the morning it was up to complete and total strangers I had served the night before. My moral character and integrity would not hold any ground yea it sucked to be me. lol

When this happened I already had OVER twenty years in the business and moved across country. I know food I know alcohol I know people. I have skills and carry myself well and make a good living at it. I have what it takes. Arrogance you say N-O-P-E not I SAM I am just a seasoned vet with confidence.

My life span with Restaurants is usually seven years at a place and then I begin to Itch like I'm in a wool sweater. I had just left a place on good terms but I am a person that is always evolving and need to grow. I had heard an old boss was coming to the area with a new phase I had worked for him before and adored the guy his side kick was a server I loved and admired like a brother we had great times serving and he was now a manager for him.

He hired me I took the job along with it came everything else under the sun :) eh I don't pay anyone mind I am there for one reason and I will mow you over I am aware of the Server&Hostess&Kitchen games I was back in the day when they were invented although I'm told I don't look my age that's comes with what is inside a person that is projected out. I am a girl that likes to have fun when I serve and I do laughter is good medicine.

I was having the night of my life the kitchen manager was on everyone case to push the Lobster no problem I pushed four and that included a surf and turf. Our Lobster's were not small shrimp they were enormous tails. I was a happy server had money in my pocket and love all the way around. Over tipped my bartender and love to my buser So towards the end of the night I get the last DEMON table of course. The hostess sat Freddy Krueger and the Bride of Frankenstein in my section of course and rolled her eyes at me like good luck with them and being a seasoned vet those are the perks in this business from being in it so long we get the VIP tables Freddy and his Bride are in the house oh here's a good one it's your turn on rotation. *yawn* ahuh sure and this is my first day in a Restaurant.

I go threw the the whole menu with them Freddy asked me questions about the fish I explained all nine pieces, the Bride didn't like that at all her body language was telling me um its my man. She was so focused on me helping him decide she could not concentrate on what she really wanted to eat. I talked to her about flavors and sauces preparations of cooking seafood what complements them all. They came to an agreement she was having salmon he was having shrimp. I refilled their drinks brought salads there were no exchange of words at all she wouldn't even look at me he seemed to get a kick under the table if he looked at me. They were seriously discussing something so I know my timing. I pre bused quietly let them know I would be returning I brought there food hot asked if they would like anything else to complement there entrees. They said no looks good thanks I got a half smile from them. Two minutes go by I return

I refilled their drinks again I asked if their entrees were okay if she was enjoying her fish she had never tasted before everyone pallet is different yes everything is fine I get a crack of a smile from her and he nervously smiled back.

They refused dessert and coffee, left quietly and a below average tip. I picked up my book looked in it read the comment card the checks were all poor the hostess asked what the hell was wrong with them? I said it was personal between them who knows. I was off the next two days I get a call from my boss he said I need you to come in asked me if I remember such and such table I really didn't considering if people are so miserable they complain right on the spot so I could not place them. I don't get complaints about my service. The food yes the Restaurant yes other issues yes but not my service I take pride in my service.

I came in we sat down he gave me a email that the Bride of Frankenstein wrote about me. I was reading and I still couldn't remember them. This email to corporate went like this. I am emailing you to describe the waitress we had she was awful. My boyfriend asked her about the fish and she was nasty when she was explaining it, she refilled my water with sprite, the food was so bad we couldn't even chew it, my boyfriends shrimp was like rubber, her hair was such a mess it needed to be combed we were very unhappy blah blah blah

folks we were reading this and laughing seriously first of all I just came from a very expensive fine dinning Restaurant that choked the life out of me and was stealing my soul every night from waiting on celebs and the elite so my service was very polished before I came back to work for him and I looked forward to something that was not so formal and tense. I know my seafood for cripes sake and my right from left NEXT! KABAM

I don't bring pitchers of sprite to the table so I did not pour sprite in your water your glass was clear with a lemon SODUH drinks are color coded glass's again I know my habits and have taken care of a MILLION weddings and have Bar tending skills I am a former Banquet Captain NEXT! KABAM

We read the ticket time for her fish and his shrimp neither were over or under cooked. They chose to eat this horrible food and lick there plates clean but the email said they could not chew it! and could hardly swallow it. hmm O RLY well in my world there are two types of Seafood Restaurants ones with freezers and ones with no freezers only coolers so the Bride had a fresh catch. NEXT! KABAM

My service was soooo bad I was the waitress from hell that they had to endure me and never complained they just sat there and took my abuse for two hours I was sooo nasty to them there whole entire meal they couldn't enjoy there food because I had upset them so much and remember I had sold four Lobsters includeing one surf and turf I won a free meal from the kitchen manager for my sales and had well over two hundred in cash in my pocket. In my defence I said no way was this my attitude or countenance I was very happy. NEXT! KABAM

Oh this is my favorite my hair? this killed me there last triumph card of there evil experience I put them threw yea my hair is a mess LMAO umm folks I am a license cosmetologist and have worked in beauty salons I am no bar fly with scorched hair my hair is long silky and blond and it is mine all mine and I braid it to the side and out of the way. I said Michael what is wrong with my hair he laughed and said nothing it is pretty. WOW! lady my hair? you are really reaching! right there that tells me you hated me from the beginning I opened my mouth at your table.

After all this I said wow! Michael I can't believe it yea he said I know it's not you I know you it was a cheap shot to write a email off and not come forward and complain their complete cowards! and threw all this they still payed there check! we agreed I said where was Ken our manager when all this was going down and I was the waitress from hell?

I told Michael he was right at the bar sitting five feet away from this table doing his order and waiting to close down. Ken and I have both worked for you for years you know our habits. He said yea I know but my partners don't know you and they were not happy I have to let you go I'm sorry I looked at the email in my hand I looked at him with dignity and grace and said I am sorry this happened and I never thought it would end like this, Michael is a big man like Tony Soprano and I saw his and my eyes welling so I hugged him tight and walked out of the Restaurant. I was lay ed off for the first time ever in my career. So I did what every server does after this I got tipsy I bought a cigar and sat outside listening to Dave Matthews band the song is Grace is gone excuse me please one more drink and I'll move on LMAO

I am still amazed at the audacity of guests and there extreme measures they take to make another human being suffer for no reason at all only because they can and that is why my blog is titled The Waitress from Hell

Yours truly
