Thursday, July 16, 2009

Part Two: Loose Lips Sink Ships

After I endured that crap I thought to myself I have seen it all in serving and have purdy much done it all. I have a great Resume and have met several nuts in Restaurant work and have served a lot of people in all area's in Hospitality but this takes the cake for sure.

So after a few months went by after my experience my husband had a serious issue at his job and I am happy to say he is still with me yes it was just what your thinking he was held up very scary for a manager, so the owner called our home he was concerned which is rare for them to do but as I said we have known him and my husband has worked for him for over ten years.

I answered I said hello he expressed his concerns I said thank you
then oh then he says oh yeah I was in a Restaurant hmm I don't know which one I laughed thinking here it comes he said oh these lady's said you took care of them I said yeah Joe I did

I happen to work in a nice supper club with great food I bank rolled there. I said I remember them they gave me a real hard time for no reason for a few hours belittled me taunted me for an argument tryed real hard to provoke me kept asking me if I was okay? You look mad oh I hope we didn't upset you? Are your sure you like your job? You don't look like you do? complained about the food but had there feed bags on and gorged themselves and sucked back quite a few drinks they told me they could hardly drink but will manage to get them down and slurped the cocktail straws hard to make the sound so I know they were ready for more like two year olds who need desperate attention and kept me away from my other tables and thought they were gonna get away with it until they mentioned to me that they themselves worked in the business and told me where and for who. I am a lady and handle myself well and I know the game women play.

I'm sure they said more they couldn't wait to return to there store to clean there conscience for what they had done and lie to her store manager. After all lady's your more than two hours away and your in my town my Restaurant visting what are your chances of having a server who is the wife of the same company you are taking SMACK about and happens to know the OWNER for over ten years.

Joe said I'm sorry this happened to you and their just old yeah Joe there old and cost me money that night my tips were ridding at other tables my income my bread and butter food out of my kids mouths yeah there old and bitter and what goes around comes around I am a firm believer in that I have seen it wayyyy to many times in this business. That will be a lesson to all watch your mouth when you talk smack because you never know who your server is show respect for younger women in the business and have some DYAM CLASS for being as old as you are.

I choose to grow old gracefully age like a good wine and show no malice on anyone and when I do dine out I sure as hell don't give a younger girl a hard time for no reason because I can, I over tip and show love and share similar story's and encourage. My title of my blog is no mistake that is another story yet to come from another moron guest with no class. Tis true lol

yours truly
