Thursday, July 23, 2009

A walk-out that did not work out! Nice try thou E FOR EFFORT!

I go into work another day in the trenches in this particular Restaurant I just happen to be working in a lot of games. Games with co -workers, games with the public you name it. You really have to be on guard at all times anything and everything could happen in this place. It is a extremely busy place I have never seen anything like it until I walked in. In fact I turned down the job told the manager I would think about it I was not into hopping tables anymore I liked my cushy Banquet Captain jobs a totally different line of work in Hospitality. I just did not want the one on one with guests again and dance for tips do cartwheels, Banquets I get paid whether you like me or not! I have what it takes to wait tables my whole thing is show me the money or you've lost me zzzzzz in every interview they tell me it is a busy Restaurant ahuh sure lie to me I like it.

anyway I take the job because a friend of mine(server) was not going to take no for an answer ok ok get off my back. I was working there for a few years but my Resume was long before I hit this place. There seemed to be the type of shady guests that dine here that think it's okay to leave and not pay and they will go to extreme measures to do it unbelievable to me that I have to babysit people and watch them eat on top of everything else my job requires. The Restaurant opens at four we always had a wait out the door it did not matter what day it was the food was great and our repeat revenue was over twenty five percent. There was entertainment on the weekends lol that is another blog.....

So I'm driving into work music blaring listening to Guns N' Roses Welcome to the Jungle Baby! and Grand Master Flash " It's like a jungle sometimes makes wonder how I keep from going under heh heh heh heh" "Don't push me cuz I'm close to the edge I'm tryen not to lose my head" and when I leave work from a full night of hell battling Satan and his Hordes, my song changes and now its Lenny Kravitz "Fly Away" "I want to get away" "I want to fly away" yeeah yeeah yeeah blaring when I leave the parking lot tis

Another day in the life cycle of this wonderful world of Hospitality. My section is towards the back and the early birds start coming in I had this two top of Lady's that really were not talking very quite nice polite to me but suspicious to me and my waitress antenna's were up hmm yea there up to something for sure I give my co-workers a heads up yo I think I have Dashers ok we gotcha so if I have to make a run for it they would watch my section vice versa.

The owner frowned on walk-outs there whole philosophy is it is your job to take care of your guests and be attentive and if you were not you were careless. So I walk into the kitchen for something come back out and now there is one lady sitting instead of two ahuh it's on! I'm watching her movements so I walk towards the front door of the Hotel and I see her run threw the lobby threw another smaller Restaurant we had on property and rip off her Lobster bib I motion to a cook I'm gone after her outside by now inside news it spread threw the Restaurant I'm outside and it is crazy busy during our rush. I go outside and hide watch what car they get into I come out from hiding and walk around her license plate she is inside trying to start the car fast but it is a rental and her windshield wipers are going and she is nervous as hell!

There yelling at each other inside the car! while I'm in back of the car writing down her license plate numbers it is illegal to dine and dash in my state. She gets outs and starts screaming at me I just looked at her guilt ridden face you are a liar mam pay or go to jail it's that simple my check is open the hostess said you never paid her up at the front and you know you never paid me.

I am in good health I am personally at runner and hit weights, so as she is moving towards me spitting and waving her hands screaming at me calling me everything under the sun each name that came out in my mind I was laughing umm you don't even know anything about me to use such LINGO DUMBO! I'm thinking touch me and I will touch you back :) lol gahead

I looked up on the curb and I see one of my managers standing there motioning her hands down like be cool my guest now turns her attention on the manager who she now See's standing there and begins to argue with her it did not do any good she said mam I need you to come in and pay or your going to jail I turned and looked to my corner and some of my co-workers were standing behind the fence smiling and giving me a thumbs up on there smoke breaks lol a few of my beloved cooks and bussers taking the trash out said other things LMAO ah funny I have fans! lol

The police were pulling in the parking lot by that time. My guests came in and paid yelling putting up a fight her line was" I paid already but I guess I'll pay again" ahuh sure whatever Lady!
She used every excuse you could think of seriously she began to draw a crowd from other guests that were paying and leaving and happy to be on vacation and not buying into her ridiculous scheme that she knows she is not getting away with just buying more time at the register getting louder, and louder as if that is going to prove herself she is innocent from eating and running out on her check! So when your on camera running threw the Hotel pulling your Lobster bib off, ahuh and that wasn't you right? lol whatever Lady! You can't play me I was born to do this I am on top of my game when I serve.

If looks could kill I stood there right by the hostess and the manager while the two cowards crawled back in and paid. I refuse to take a write up for you! and be disciplined I don't pay for anyones FOOD! Average guest check at early bird time is $200.00 Going to jail on your vacation is your choice. Once again you got the wrong girl! I think my choice word is ownage. LMAO
I still hear Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses when I think of that place like a tape in my head. "You know where you are Baby?" " You in the Jungle" and I cringe seriously.... Like....I'm not kidding.....

Yours truly