Wednesday, October 14, 2009


You are now entering the time machine. Back in the day I worked third shift at a very well known chain all niter I have worked a few chains and mom and pop places. Bar rushes are every night in this town. From one am to about four am people would come in by the droves like cattle yelling screaming falling down puking laughing crying fighting peeing there pants shitting themselves, eat and purge you name it and repeat every weekend and never remember what they did the week before. What the inebriated quest is capable of never seized to amaze me. I hated New year's eve! but I loved the money I certainly bank rolled that night one dollars bill were five dollar bills. Three fifty back in 1990 was top dollar for seven hours straight non stop running we also put up with a lot of crap! and are worth every dyam dollar. The krazy requests these drunk clowns would ask me to do and get in on there pranks with there crew hmm yeah but it will cost you I'm busy working can't you just SIT DOWN! AND SHUDDA UP ALREADY! Happy Jack one of my regular drunk guys would go in the bathroom and take toilet paper and put it in his pants he would come out of the bathroom
with a long long trail of toilet paper hanging out of his pants! A full bar rush of people full dinning room! I have plates stacked up both arms! and I'm trying not to laugh my head off while balancing! You goofyass! knock it off! I can't balance and laugh at the same time! LOL LOL

There is a mind set you need to work in a very busy 24 hour third shift restaurant. It is just as much pressure as any other type of rush a rush is a rush period and tipsy drunk obnoxious people have no sense of time at all. If they order they think they some how have been waiting twenty minutes PIPE DOWN! I say and the laughs and the mimic games woe don't make her mad are food will take longer LOL nah I never did that but screaming my name across the dinning room because your out of coffee hmmm alright already coming in a minute yah sponge!
I had this dream many times of walking into the dinning room and throwing the food up in the air because of all the open loud mouth wants. What does that tell you about recurring dreams, eh I never did it but I sure as hell wanted too LOL I made it my Golden rule I don't clean your BARF! I can clean my kids and my husbands Barf but not any customer Projectile vomit from drinking way to much and then the smell of breakfast instant VOMIT! Sorry here's the mop! your girlfriend or boyfriend barfed! Feeding yourself when you are drunk can be dangerous as far as choking goes I watched all my customers no one is gonna die on me not on my watch!!

I loved my drag queen entertainers clubs were popping up all over the city and they were fun to wait on GREAT TIPPERS!! never anything less than fifty dollars! NEVER! They were my call parties I sat them in a closed off section of course and they had there fun and had there privacy.
I always gave them there VIP section and they new it and after all they just got off work and needed to unwind. I learned a lot of makeup tips LOL A lot of them really had good voices.
eh Memory lane LOL

Bar quests are fun to heckle I made good money in those days. My mind was always on what my kids need so I took every table I could and would pick up tables even if I wasn't on the clock yet.
The day crew that relieved me however that was another story they were late everyday
always and the lame excuses of why they were late that became a morning show for the regular customers to watch at the counter a cat fight! I won of course every time ummm no morning heavy perfumed Avon wench is going to come at me like that oh hale nah I was up all night and many of those nights were ruff and I take your shit? Most of them quit LOL Good! We need someone on time in the morning. Don't push me OLD lady I have had a very busy nite and I am not taken your SHIT! I have kids and a small baby at home to make breakfast for and get off to school and a husband waiting for my car! We have one! So don't EVEN start with me! This part time job for you old hen is just something for you to do to get out of the house for me it is my bread and butter so come to work on TIME! Or find another HOBBY!

You can learn a lot from older people you wait on if you LISTEN I had a lot of older people that would come in all times of the night like clock work on time and drink coffee and if they were late you got scared! I really did cherish all there guidance and advice. I can still see all there faces in my mind and all the things they taught me. Charlie an older gentlemen would come in at three am sit by his window seat everyday hot hot coffee it had to be hot side of wheat dry LOL
and of course his ashtray LOL He was grumpy and quite but funny too. He would ding his cup with his spoon for more coffee like if your at a wedding and you want the bride and groom to kiss you ding your glass. One morning I was busy a pile of people walked in and there were never two waitress's on during the week always one, weekends two or three. So Charlie kept dinging his coffee cup and he could see I was busy and alone. I finished taking an order grabbed the coffee pot walked over to him said very kindly "Charlie do that again and I will bring you a paper CUP!"His eye's bugged out! with surprise!

He apologized and then there was drunk Charlie from the factory fun as hell very nice very jolly.
Neither Charlies got along LOL one drunk and one sober LOL I had to separate them like kids LOL

I was never robbed thank God! All the police would come in. Breakfast is a very social meal. TO break your fast. I worked bar shifts for years as my kids grew I went to days. Then back to diner shifts. I have a certain amount of tolerance just like anyone else and seven years in these breakfast joint is all I could take.

The 24 hour you meet all kinds of loons,nimrods,jerks,assholes,scumbags,dirtballs,lard ass's,
not everyone is the brightest crayon in the box including me but I know the difference from right and wrong and to hate people because you don't understand them is immature because the next time one of these people come into your restaurants bar rush you see a different side of them.

I met my best friend and sister in this resturant for over twenty nine years we have been best buds. Our lives are very simular. Husbands, kids,dogs,cats, Life in general ups and downs. We still wait tables today LOL

Those were the days my friend We thought they'd never end we'd sing and dance forever and a day we'd live the life we choose we'd fight and never lose for we were young and sure to have our way LA LA LA LA LA LA LA

Yours Truly
