Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Theme park that !@#$%

I took this job and I realized after again when I got in it was a mistake! The ANGRY BITTER servers with no personality's at all. I had to deal with I knew my stay would be brief and so it was LOL.

I was CON-D into taking this job by a LAME recruiter who snared ME into the abyss of a shhhhitHOLE! of unhappy ungrateful sour faced know it all Managers with no class or manners at all or respect for employee's we were all just warm bodies and each night they never new who they're staff was. I am talking about a theme park I worked at and a very exclusive fine dinning Restaurant that try ed to steal my soul every night. Training was a joke in this place no one was friendly at all or polite, again I was newbie so that means fresh meat to bark orders at
and take out your frustrations on me. The bar tender hated women so that made some of my nights uncomfortable as hell and to me he sucked and was not that good anyway opening bottles all night pff whatever no imagination at all for drinks.

The waitstaff was cold callous and old. Most of this crew had there time in and were just buying there time going threw the motions. Thirty years or more so asking them questions was like ehem what? or total ignore or a sarcastic answer.
I'm stunned that any of them made any money of course you can suck royally as a server but you think your saved because you can add the gratuity a lot of servers do that give the least amount and do the least amount for your guests but just add the grad. I found it very hard not to laugh out loud hard and long when quests of the park that were staying on the grounds complained about the rigid service they got! as if it is the quests fault every time. WRONG!

It is a toss up between the back of the house or the front of the house who were the rudest.
An example: I was walking in the restaurant napkins folded over my arm I walked past the
executive chef he was standing stirring his soup he just made and put out I asked him
"hmm what is the soup tonight" he turns to me as if I am no great importance at all what so ever
and gave me a look as how dare you even speak to me! women should be seen and not heard his reply 'It is on the menu"

I thought what a JACKASS so arrogant and smug! What an attitude I held my tongue after all I was too new to say anything oooooo I was thinking it though. I threw my napkins over my shoulder shrugged them and walked off! What a hater! LOL

The meeting started I could not even look at his tall sloppy scruffy unkept self chewing away at my gum and snapping it! checking my phone for messages and counting the hours down. Looking out the window thinking of the beach and how I wanted to be at it right now but that would have to wait. His words meant nothing to me he sounded like a windbag blowing hot air around He lost me way back at the soup as I kept drifting out the window FIND A HAPPY PLACE! FIND A HAPPY PLACE!

Funny where do people get off thinking because they have money they have class????
Money doesn't buy you class! I have had the pleasure of waiting on many wealthy people and working with good chefs and bad ones but this Lurch from the Addam's family took the cake!
come to find out he was hired from the outside in what a slam too the sous chef who had fifteen years in with the company.

I never went back and they actually had the nerve to call me and ask where I was LOL
after all you abandon your job! Umm you got the wrong girl ANGRY BITTER manager
ever heard of Johny Paycheck I asked him? He paused
and I said "You can take this JOB AND SHOVE IT I anit working here no more"

Buh bye now Have a good one! as I was laying the phone down getting ready to hang up I heard him louder wait you can't do this! do you know what your thinking ?
What a bunch of plastic zombie wax figured people!!! This job Blowzzzzzzzz
I'm so oudda HERE!!! I got better things to do with my life than to be around you miserable people LOL

Yours Truly
