Monday, October 12, 2009

Don't Hand me no Lines! and keep yo hands to yerself!

Ahh yes Georgia Satellites my honey my baby don't put my love on a shelf and she said

"Don't tell me no lines and keep yo hands to YO-SELF!"

Why do cook's and chef's think because your the new girl LIKE I want you! Do I have a sign on my forehead that says hey I'm the newbie and I want you and if I don't comply my food will take longer? If I even get food in my near future out to of this window while my quests are looking at me like I forgot to put they're order in! No sir I say to my quest after I'm flagged down and I show him my ticket time and when I put the order in, meanwhile I walk in the kitchen and I'm at WAR with the ASSSSSSSSSHOLE! cook and the game is I DON'T WANT YOU for the zillent time nor do I have the time to explain myself why I don't want you but your making it really RUFF on me to make any tips YOU SLUG WITH NO MANNERS!

One Two Three Flour uno dos tres cuatro you kno you want me you know I want cha Rumba Si Ella quiere su Rumba (Como) Rumba Si e' verdad que tu ere guapa Yo te voy a poner gozar Tu tiene la boca granda

What?? DUDE I am at my job working!!! Translation: I want a toy and yer brave You'll give me joy my mouth is big so start playen Oh please! A pitbull wanna be!

hmm yes the cook with the funky lip sores followed me around the Restaurant trying to convince me I was missing out real bad O-RLY ha ha yea I am missing out yea I can't think of a better way to get herpes while I'm working and trying to make a living and it's free and ALL FOR ME!
Yeee-ay! Ahuh and how many kids do you got? and you have no idea where they are?
I got four sons and they all would probly kick yo goofyass!

I want a show of hands how many LOSER cooks followed you in the cooler and approached you?
Please let's have a show of hands how many mutants have pestered the living hell out of you while your at work and your tickets seem to disappear? While your tips are ridding? This situation would make anyone drink before during and after your shift
ohhhh the pain a slow

Yours truly
