Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Kids eat free LOL yea KIDS the key word. I have seen more adults correct their kids at the table and go to any measure to lie about their kids age it really is sad to see.
I witnessed with my own eye's a table in a station parallel to my station a co-workers table
the kid told the truth about his age and the father slapped him in the head and said "I told you to SHUT UP" It really broke our hearts and went threw the restaurant waitstaff to see that poor kids face eh we gave him a BIG BOWL OF CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM AND LOADS OF JIMMIES ON TOP! and fresh hot chocolate chip cookies for dipping tee hee
The lame father about crawled under the table! Serves him right gueezzus You need a licence to drive, catch a fish, hunt but anyone can be a father PATHETIC!

I had one lady SCREAM her @#$ off at me and spit flying out of her mouth because her daughter was happy to tell me she was sweet sixteen! "SHE NOT SICKSTEEN" "SHE NOT"
That was a roar and a laugh for years in the restarunt. Servers mimic STOOPID customers so well, we really could be ventrilloquist! I have quite a few voices of my own creation. LOL
"I WANT DAT ONE RAT DARE I WANT HER TOO WAIT OWN MMEE" I happen to be up at the hostess stand cashing out a check, and Mr. Rancher happen to see me and tryed to lasso his rope around my neck. My reply under my breath only my co-workers could hear but couldent bust out into loud obnoxious red faced I can't breath laughter! were all looking down at there shoes and there bodys were shaking and they were covering there mouths trying hard not to snort and snot themselves because they know me and are getting ready for my come back. I SAY

" I WASENT AWARE WE WERE FOR SALE SIR" The minic game breaks up tention and WAITSTRESS not waitstaff Let's get it right people LOL

One guy walked in and said "Hey how u doen" I say "um doen good how u doen" Just like Rocky Balboa LOL
and he says "u maken fun of da way I twalk" um no sir The Hostess will be right with you LOL
gahead have a seat sure sure LOL ah the minic game LOL I own all the Rocky movies so
SHADDA UP AREADY WITH THE HATE! LOL I love the east coast accent.

The games people play with the kids eat free deals kids with full goatee's and tattoo's nose rings lady's with cell phones artificial nails loads of heavy makeup but they're 12 and under ahuh sure so I say for FUN "What grade are you in?" and I get crickets and a nothing at the table I get looks back in forth from the kids to the parents to the parents to me LOL whatever lie if you must if that makes you feel better.
This is what I HATE! They're food comes and they have the NERVE to complain about the portion! Hey hey hey READ the menu the portions are all there as described. How many portions do you think you are allowed to get free RETARD! The kitchen is counting them and I am not kidding. One per kid it's not that complexed. People kill me they think because we are servers and we work here in this fine establishment we just sail on rainbows to the kitchen and get all this FREE food from the window and tap dance back out here to you with your FREE FOOD.
We barely eat ourselves and all the bribes and gropeing and scrounging around that goes on in this place we do to survive and we work here. yea it's free but it will cost you LOL yeah think?

For the parents that don't lie and tell me straight up hey my kid is fifteen and does not eat much is that okay if he or she orders off the kiddie menu and I say no probelma!

Honesty is the best policy

Yours truly
