Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I moved across country just up and left. I applied at a Hotel very well known still today and the company is still shady and a DUMP!

I always roam around before the interview and investigate to see how clean it is. I poked my head in ball rooms, board rooms, walked outside. I guess I thought to myself
I landed the job In banquets and cafe morning server and room service you name it I did it.

A lot of celebs under alias names and powerful business people with STOOPID requests! Were in house quests.
The kitchen was always under stress a lot of events going on all over and the restaurant to stay above water and not go down in flames every night.

This HOE-TELL was nice on the outside but inside the kitchen is was run down old small
not up to date at all. It makes my job worse looking for things I need and a tipsy idiot executive Chef who kept giving me his resume, I don't give a SHIT about your resume ORDER what we need! AND LEARN TO SEW YOU IDIOT! or send your chef pants out! and for God sakes stay in the kitchen! You sloppy clumsy clog wearen moron. I am trying to make money here

He became a thorn on my side right from the beginning. Oh I get it because I never went to cutlery school I am slow and naive. I know what food is suppose to look like I do cook at home everyday and I can read and take temps and use tools gueezus Chefs are so dyam Arrogant! Make my food pretty so I can SELL IT and get a FAT TIP what don't yah!!! Be proud of your food plated.

The picky stingy prissy bossy women that worked in the HOE-TELL office's would frequent the cafe when they were having their CHEAP day and eating in house instead of going out for lunch and use the discount that was a pain in the a@@ and they reminded me every dyam time like I was some type of peasant girl. I did not like waiting on them and would give the table away when I was in the cafe. Women are a pain in the a@@ to wait on.
I would rather wait on men at lunch time they are in and out and a fat tip and full of smiles. This Hen Fest of women would complain about everything. I know for sure they had special food for them with special spices the kitchen staff hated them. Most of the time the Chefs would come out of the kitchen ans serve them themselves. Going out of your way to give other employee's of this HOE-TELL a hard time for no reason has it's karma.

I had to deal with these lady's in banquets. The accounting managers oh please!
The family's found you cold lame and always out of your office's.

The drains in this dump were gross I called maintenance everyday to clean this foul stench coming from the drain which drifted out into the cafe. I know for a fact it was a dead FAT rat stuck. Do you think they would fix it oh noooo just pour bleach down the drain.
What a COMPLETE IMBECILE! yea just pour bleach that should do the trick, what a sloppy million key chain I'm important talk a big game and do nothing IDIOT!

After my Banquet captain jobs I was ready to move again I left this state and took another job with a Hotel that cared about there employee's. I have been told this Hotel was sold and turned into some budget Motel now and serves continental breakfast no need for a restaurant staff that is costly.

Things are never as though they seem
Yours truly