Thursday, October 15, 2009


I applied for a management job they told me it was filled hmm okay
I get a call back two weeks later would you consider serving? In my mind I was thinking Oh dear God I hung up my apron. Eh how hard can it be waiting tables in a Resort in the morning purdy
safe, get in get out no morning crew just me and a chef and a manager hmm my habits just me and I work well with me. I work neat and clean. I asked about pay He agreed to a bit more okay I took the job my agreement to myself I won't be staying here long.

The Restaurant faced the pool very nice lush grounds except for the cat piss that gave me a headache everyday if I had tables outside which was everyday because where I live everyone is outside never in. They're pasty white snow birds and in much need for there vitamin D
No problem I love being outside that is why I live in this climate. Human beings are a bit more friendly and kind visiting in a warmer climate after all there on vacation and in sun what more could you ask for right? Wrong? They whine and complain and take out there shitty vacations problems on you. Family's fighting all the time in the morning. I worked for Hotels I heard all the name blame. Resorts you just have the luxury of waiting on them longer they own you longer waiting tables is bitch work.

I realized soon when I started working this place was a LAND OF CONFUSION!
The pool was closed from time to time from teens shitting in it, We had a lot of groups on property. The bar tender was drunk or hungover I never saw him sober. The GM was good at the disappearing act never around of course. The chef was an old nasty scummy pervert who probably was good in his hey day but is weeded real quick and should not be left alone. I'm sure My resume threaten him I am not a punk so I was not backing down if he can't read a ticket
wear your glasses at all times then his OPPSIE were getting on my nerves.

Kitchen manager was @#$% the owner of the resorts daughter so he was not qualified for the job nor did he know what he was doing at all and remained in a oblivious sate of mind. I'm not even sure if he even went to school I dought it.
I met the person that filled the position I applied for. I'm speechless at that sight hmm let's
just say there are going out clothes we women wear and I have been to clubs and then their are work clothes for bending stretching leaning reaching. Apparently someone needs a lesson in apparel. I laughed to myself Wow Lord just Wow! This is why I wasn't hired for the position definitely a WHY? moment I was having too myself. UN believeable capable yes of course it was. I don't belong here at all this is not for me. I need more structure when I work. Had I known this place was up for grabs I would have never taken this job I don't need more aggravation in my life.
You never know untill your in. I know now why they could not keep breakfast servers. They can't find people to stay and put up with the bs and the scummy Chef.

We had many groups of people from all over the states and world on property. They set up this nasty budgeted out buffet it looked cheap and nasty, the equipment was a joke and very old. I plugged in a warmer the wires shorted out
great I get a shock! not the first time. They ended up hiring another server on days who has no clue about serving and has never worked in any type of restaurant at all and will not take correction from anyone very pigheaded she got along real well with the pervert chef they liked to tag team me LOL they had no clue I happen to speak and understand what they were saying considering I too speak there language and comprehend very well so I heard everything eh I let it go whatever do your thing if it makes you feel better.

SO one day a ton of people pile in a lot of large groups going threw the buffet line and we also have an open menue. I had the whole restaurant little miss painted eyebrow on sunshine could only handle so much. I am running my food and she would follow me and tell me which tables were mine hmm I would say no dear you are up next considering were on a rotation your JEDI MIND GAMES DON'T WORK ON ME GIVE IT UP! AND DO YOUR JOB! AND DEAL WITH IT!
enough with the WHINNING! As if I am all of a sudden clueless how the door works and have never in my life seen a podium or a hostess stand!
A large party of picky needy angry at the world group of quests walked in and she told me they were mine. I said no as I was dropping my food off to another table we had to open up another room
I was running two rooms by that point.

I looked at her and told her NO! They are your table your up. You see the games low life's play you think I'm THAT STUPID because you have no experience at all serving and some difficult quests walk in and all of a sudden it's my table. WRONG!
so she let's them sit there because she couldent force me to take them and she finally goes to the table and this is what she says to them "ITSO GUNNA BE OKAY I TAKE CARE OF JWHO"
making it sound like It was suppose to be my table she made them wait on purpose KNOWING she DIDENT WANT THEM! What a SHADY A@@ !@#$! Games Games Games shady people play.

They ran her a@@ all the food had to be made over
everything was wrong she was so nervous she spilled and dropped there food.
The bill was reduced enough to make them happy considering she never put they're order in right because she dosent ask for help because she knows it all. So she had major ticket screw up all the time, but the scummy Chef would say her tickets are perfect and he can never understand mine LOL LOL Dumb and Dumber He has been out of a big Kitchen for so long he can't remember how to read a modifyed ticket LOL yea my tickets and Dumbbell (server) has no how clue how to modify but yet it's my tickets. So if I would have gave into his advance pass's I'm sure he could of understood my tickets better. I told him my husband was big and would kick his a@@. The next day I come to work and he follows me around scared telling me he is a Pastor and shows me some ordained card. hmm scared yea you've done this before you perv! I 'm serious like I'm not making this up I couldent if I tryed. What a scumbag!

I was in a totally different room had no eye contact with these Krazy angry people at all what so ever she waited on that was HER table on a rotation.
The disco queen manager who wore her going out clothes to work was no help at all either I really don't think she has restaurant experience all at, I asked her to run food to a table gave her the number blah blah I'm explaining chair one chair two what entree goes to what guest and she had no clue what WORDS I was relaying out of my mouth. She did not know restaurant LINGO!
The next day I come in and I was told I am racist because I would not wait on that party!
I'm dead serious like I'm not kidding. I was in a another room I had no contact with these quests at all NEVER SAW THEM They were a problem from the beginning and your no experience server knew it and try ed to pawn them off on me I was weeded already I told her and it was her turn on rotation.
That is not racism, very cowardly of you to accuse me when I had the whole restaurant look at my sales they are double hers. What a bunch of !@#$ whiners!!!

GUEEZZUS what am I doing here? I resigned peacefully. I really wanted to tell the ordained perverted pastor chef off! Who showed me his pastor card a few times and little miss sunshine but I didn't
I wasn't going to STOOP to there level.
I AM the bigger person

Alice in Chains has a song: Man in the box

I am a dog who gets beat SHOVE MY NOSE IN SHIT!

Yours Truly
