Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free food syndrome JEDI MIND GAMES LOL!

Waiting tables is the luck of the draw and a life lesson people come in your Restaurant you work for and they come in many forms all walks of life. Tolerance is limited from both sides, you the waitstaff and the quest.

Difficult needy people and you know who you are. You are dealt with in a certain manner it depends on the management team and of course employee's who take matters in there own hands. I have worked with quite a few servers with 666 on there heads and horns all in tack and have there devils cackle down perfectly shrills up the spine it would curl your toes what a pissed of server is capable of doing in the moment. woah I happen to be a firm believer in karma so I personally do not make it a practice of going far beyond the black hole. What you measure out gets measure right back to you. I have said that many times to these particular quests I am about to describe.
The free food syndrome is a well thought out and strategically game played on all waitstaff from The Jedi mind game quest who seem to assume all waitstaff is the weaker mind and here is how it usually goes down and I don't care where you work waiting tables it is everywhere I have told you I have waited tables everywhere and anywhere I am a vet in the business.

Here is one example.

The large gland problem ghetto guest walks in with an angry face as they past by every station seizing up every waitstaff personal as if you sniff you out like a dog and are looking to smell fear in you and look for a weakness by your personal appearance not smiling or greeting anyone. ahh yes my all time favorite game
most of my colleagues and co-workers know this games oh so well when your in the business for
a long time you have the quest pegged.
Nine times out out ten waitstaff are giving each other eye contact threw out the entire resturant whispering to each other and recognizing the guests and relaying to each server who's going to have the joy of taking care of them. The hostess is cringing who to give them too and where to sit the voodoo Jedi mind game table of quests that have changed table seating arrangements three times I have seen some that change while eating and some that cannot get comfortable the minute they hit the door they are looking around who they can harass and get away with it. It is obvious how miserable they are from body language and facial expressions.

Typical and to be expected. It starts of with reciting the menu more than five times to get the wait person in a state of confusion and they love winding you up knowing they feel they have some type of ownership of you considering you are there server and were assigned to them as if that is an excuse to abuse me and allow me to follow you into your state of confusion for the brief time you dine with us. Explaining what we have what we don't have and why we don't offer it and we should, to extra this and extra that and up charges which servers love adding it on as you take up more of our time. To the mimic games to the question question game. Everyone is talking at once. You ask me a question and before I can get an answer out your asking me another question and they are never happy with your answers.

There orders are always modified always the whole table order.
If alcohol is ordered the drinks are always wrong and never strong enough and sent back instead of ordering a double. I am not going to even type what bar tenders are capable of doing to the sent back drink when they are in the weeds themselves and are now challenging there pour it is there liquior cost with alot of profanity! Most of the time the quest flagged down a bus person or another server so you have no clue what these gifted talented people did. Your at a table or in the kitchen remember nothing is ever right at the Jedi mind game table so they drink half of the drink and send it back. They want to bother everyone and anyone they can. I HATE MY SHIRT PULLED ON WHEN I AM AT ANOTHER TABLE! Your not my kids my kids do that! DON'T PULL ON MY CLOTHES!!! I look at there hand and look up at them UMM TAKE YER PAWS OFF ME!!
And my new quests that are trying to order are intrupted and have lost their train of thought and what they were ordering.
I might remind you I live in a free country and I exercise my free rights all the time and have excused myself from tables many times reason being I have done everything I could do to make your visit comfortable and when you character assassinate me GAME OVER! time for another server to harass because that is what it is straight up harassment for no reason only because you can. They finally come to a decision and order a ton of food.

The food begins to come out in a timely manner and you need food runners to get it all out and they look at it and begin to complain one at a time so you listen to the requests and you fix them you give the manager a heads up VOODOO TABLE has begun to complain about every entree and there drinks.
You fix the re-fires as you argue with your beloved kitchen staff and take it out again by then they either gobble it down or refuse to eat while other members are eating but not talking to you or even looking at you and giving you any eye contact and you think about some sort of tip if any that you might get. After a few minutes go by you ask is everything alright? The complaints started from one end and went around the table one by one and they described why they could not eat it.
Chair one ate all the shrimp off her Alfredo and left the bowl of un touched noodles OH PUHLEEZE LADY! Order a side of shrimp then! yea our home made sauce is NASTY! LOL I can't wait to tell Tony that one! He will YELL so loud the pictures in the dinning room will rattle off the walls LOL but it was a nasty meal and she couldn't eat it. Chair two had King crab legs there was nothing on the plate but opened shells but they were nasty and very salty and she could not eat them on her plate was a corn cob with NO corn on it. Chair three was a chicken sandwich nothing left but the garnish and fries. It went on and on down the line like dominoes
I watched each compulsive LIAR repeat they could not eat there meal but yet there was nothing on the plate. Now comes the MOD to the table same story blah blah we can't eat it we did not enjoy it and it becomes a psycological word game I have been on both sides as a manager and a server. The manager looks at them and the plates and tells them there is nothing left to take off the check because you ate it we re fired it twice for you and you ate it you are going to have to pay there is nothing I can take off the check because you ate it for there third time the mod repeats now they become hostile and they start riping my service apart one by one which are all lies the mod knows it. It still is not working so NOW they get louder and louder thinking the tone of there voice will change the amount on the bill and it doesn't by now security has been called pay or go to jail it's just that simple. They pay very enraged realizing there free food syndrome did not work and the kids have learned how eat food and complain and try to get away with it by raising your voice in other words steal food and not pay because loud tones and accusations will somehow make the manager cower and cave in. Never assume ASS!

What the Jedi mind game table needs to realize that it is our food cost in Restaurants. Our prices go up and when you play your Jedi mind games in every restaurant you vist the individual price goes up for each entree so in the end you lose not only did you have a happy Christen Shirley temple now the price goes up eventually your next visit. Restaurants are not in the business of giving free food away we are not soup kitchens.

It is what it is.......

Yours truly
